welcome to marie lyndemere — before | the frame 

                    sharing with you my delight with painting, my creative journey, and my life before the frame

2012  events 2012


january 29th - uniquely auburn, auburn PAC

march  - avca group show - auburn city hall

july / august  -2 man show joan nicholson/marie lyndemere - details later




autumn dance  













artist's statement

The act of creating is a journey of self discovery.  As I grow and change my creative output changes.  For me, part of the joy of painting is an awe of what ultimately bubbles up onto the pictorial plane. 

A deep love of the natural world has been part of my being from my earliest memory and continues to be my source of inspiration. Facing the blank sheet at the beginning, long before the frame, seems to unleash a torrent of inner talk. Like many artists, I am sometimes plagued by messages of self doubt.  my challenge then is to quiet the questioning voices and let the inner creativity we all possess flow.  Each success, no matter how minor, motivates me to seek greater creative freedom and maturity.